
Hi there! I'm excited to share my project, the Financial News Sentiment Analyzer. It's a tool I built to help everyone understand how news can affect financial assets, whether positively or negatively.


How I Built It

I created this using some cool technologies. The core is powered by Flask, a web framework, and I made everything easy to manage with Docker containers. The news analysis is done by a smart AI called PaLM 2 from Google, thanks to the Vertex AI Studio Language service.

To keep things running smoothly, I use serverless functions on Cloud Functions, scheduled by Cloud Scheduler five days a week. All the data is stored in a secure and flexible NoSQL database called Firestore.

For financial data, I pull information using yfinance and ccxt library, and then use Pandas and Plotly to organize and visualize the data. It's a bit like having a robot assistant that reads financial news and tells you what might happen next!

How It Works

The process is simple – every day, the serverless functions analyze the latest news, and the results are presented on the website. You can click around and get more details on each piece of news.

Behind the Scenes

It's using Cloud Run for deployment, Cloud Build for development, and Cloud Scheduler for keeping things on schedule. And don't worry, I keep sensitive information safe using Secret Manager.

This is for informational purposes and is not intended as financial advice.